S&N Koreans Ally 4.26.18.pngA tiger doesn’t change his stripes, Kim Jong Un is still an evil dictator with peace on his lips, and war in his heart as he shakes the hand of the South Korea’s leader Moon Jae-In, in a summit meeting on April 26, 2018.

This event was prophesied one day earlier on April 25, 2018 at the “Remember Moses Conference” in Singapore, the Lord gave a word of prophecy and a prayer to Sandu Sundar Selvaraj preluding this meeting.

I join Prophet Severaj in  his prayer leading and encourage all in the body of Christ and specifically in the Net Of Prayer to join with South Korea in this prayer, that we may stop or limit the effects of this ungodly alliance from beginning a domino of events which could lead to WW3 prematurely.

US politicians and even President Trump seem to be pleased with this meeting and promises of peace between the North and South Korea, but China is behind this move. This alliance may lead to the US  reducing our Military force in South Korea along with our Navy buildup there, and embolden US against Iran.

As you read the word below from Prophet Sandu Severaj you can see why this alliance may leave the door wide open for an invasion of the demonic “Dragon” principality force from N. Korea. If we don’t pray as the Lord leads it could  lead to this chain of events prophesied and foreseen decades ago by Jesus’ Prophet Chuck Johnel:

  1. Korea invades S. Korea.
  2. China invades Taiwan.
  3. Iran nukes our troops in the middle east.
  4. Leading to a limited Nuclear exchange.


April 25, 2018 “Remember Moses Conference”

“The eyes’ of the Lord are now turning towards China. The angles have been assigned towards China. The Harvest is waiting, it will break for from the seams, just like a Net full of fishes that will cause the Net to break. But the Church is also bleeding she needs confidence.  She needs exorting and edifying.  God is going to send such people.

I see the eyes of the Lord now on North Korea.  Dangerous alliances are going to take place.  The tiger is waiting to open his mouth and swallow his prey.  Dangerous times are coming. This alliance is not good.  The Koreans who are in our midst. I believe you have the ears to hear and the hearts to understand.

This is the council of God for the Koreans. Constant prayer with fasting and humbling of the soul.  Warfare prayer to tear down and pull down the strong holds. Pray for the unforeseen of the will of God. The enemy is going to push the border that is now dividing the 38th parallel down towards South Korea.   I see right now before my eyes the whole Korea peninsula turning dark red. If that happens, but God is calling you and he is arming you with weapons of warfare.

The Korean pastors and delegates who are here I see each you holding a sword and weapon in left and right hand. So arranged for dedicated consecrated continuous pray on the border.  Focus your prayer on the border.

I see a very long strong powerful dragon just reveling along the border.  And there appears and crack on the left side of the fence, I never have been to the border area. I am just telling you what I seen in the vision right now.  I will describe exactly where the bridge is; looking at the map of the Korea peninsula if you look from Soul upwards, then were the 30th parallel the border fence is, is on the far left hand side.  This black dragon slithers along the border.  And toward the end of the left hand side there appears a breach, a breaking, an opening. It’s like someone from the south has opened the gate.  And through that the dragon is now sticking his head into the entrance.  So far how it is happening.  And it continues further.

Now only the head has entered, then later the whole body will enter.  But you can do something to push and close the door back.  And push this whole thing backwards.  So focus and put all your unfettered effort and energy to pray for the protection of your border.  Gather your army of prayer warriors to focus on the border and pray there.

Revive the call of your nation.  All you Korean people of God come back to the living God, come back to the prayer and pray of your nation.  Come back, come back to your special destiny. You know what is your destiny to be a prayer house for the world.  This is your destiny, but now you have cause the Lamp to go out.  COME BACK, COME BACK AND RELIGHT UP THAT LAMP COME BACK TO THAT DESTINY. Re consecrate rededicate your nation that it will become a prayer house of the world.

The Holy Lord is showing me now in the early days of revival when your nation was a house of prayer, when you prayed not only for your own country, but for the whole world.  Millions of angels made their home in South Korea.  Your nation was there camp.  They were stationed there and when you prayed the for the nation they flow all over the world with their assignments. Prayer incense brought up to the Throne of God when you prayed for the whole world.  As a result Angels went all over the world to bring answers to prayer.


OH, South Korea, South Korea, come back to your first Love. Come back to your Father’s Love.  Just like the prodigal son came back home, Come back home.  Come back home.  Let your heart be broken.  Let down your guards. Rend your heart. Rend your mind and come up to the Living God. Repent for your covetousness, cry for your love of the world, cry for your love for money, repent for the love of the world, repent  for the love of money.  Oh, South Korea, Oh, South Korea, how much you have fallen, how much!  Even now you’re not far from the grace of the Lord Jesus.

I see the Lord Jesus Christ as a gigantic figure standing on this nation and looking with great compassion on South Korea.  Just like the loving Father waited for the prodigal son to come back.  The Lord Jesus is looking at you in compassion South Korea.  I ask every one of you to pray for South Korea right now.”

End of Prophecy


Prayer leading:

We pray in agreement with your word Jesus as given to Sandu Severaj, and that President Trump will be given clear Holy Spirit insight to follow your guidance and avoid the trap Satan is trying to set in the Koreas to start WW3 prematurely.

Brother in Christ,

Samuel-Joshua Salmon